sexta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2011

Show "Grow" - Scenes of life stages

"Grow" - Scenes of life stages

A Cia de Teatro Vizinho Legal, held in February to October as part of celebrations of 10 years of Social Program Nice Neighbor, presentations of the show GROW - Scenes of life stages. After 04 years of participation in youth theater project and participation in the Connections show VIVO EnCena Youth Theatre, the company opens the doors of the headquarters of the program to the general public.

Performed by 14 young people, mostly residents and former residents of New Jaguaré community, neighborhood Jaguaré, the piece grow is a collection of scenes depicting the young universe with all its joys, difficulties, fears, desires and dreams. With capacity for 12 people per session, the play goes on inside the house the headquarters of the project, with scenes in the garage in the backyard, in the room, in bedrooms and bathroom. A different theatrical experience with a lot of comedy and drama!

Design and Direction: Leandro Oliva

Assistant Director: Fatima Viscarra

Orientation Costumes: Ines Sacay

Guidance Lighting: Francisco Turbiani

Artwork: Alessandro Silva

Pictures: Rui Martins


Date: Saturdays and Sundays in February, March and April. Time: 18:00

Location: Casa Nice Neighbor

Address: R. Barcelona, 412 - Jaguaré Phone: (11) 3719-5385

Free Entry - There is a need to make reservations in advance

NOTE: As of May 1 "CRESCER" will be on display only on Sundays at 18h.